For this project I have been looking at the link between esoteric mystic traditions and analytical psychology, I have chosen to focus on Alchemy and Alchemical symbolism and their relavence in modern day psychotherapy.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

“Mountain of the Adepts. (Michelspacher, Cabala 1654) The process of psychological development is analogous to the alchemical stages in the transformation of base metals into gold-the philosophers’ stone-here represented as “a temple of the wise” buried in the earth. The phoenix, symbol of the renewed personality, straddles the sun and the moon (the opposites as masculine and feminine). The zodiac in the background symbolises the duration of the process; the four elements indicate wholeness. The blindfolded man represents the stumbling search for truth; the right way is shown by the investigator prepared to follow his natural instincts”       (Marie-Louise Von Franz)



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