For this project I have been looking at the link between esoteric mystic traditions and analytical psychology, I have chosen to focus on Alchemy and Alchemical symbolism and their relavence in modern day psychotherapy.

Friday 22 April 2011

Examples of art therapy

 "Moonstruck Maidens" 18th Century Engraving (Anonymous)

"Allegorical Symbolic Work" Hermann Heinrich Mebes (19th century)

"Self Portrait of a Megalomaniac, Naked, among Woman, Ejecting Worlds" Early 20th century (Anonymous)

"G" mandala, watercolour 1888 (Anonymous) . These works were all produced by patients at various institutions around europe between the 18th and early 20th century, they show striking similarities and in some cases even identical symbolism to much earlier alchemical drawings of which the patients could have had no knowledge. Phenomena such as this has lent support to Jung's theory of a collective conscious from where these symbols appear.

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